Wild Fibres natural fibres
Silkworm Life Cycle

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Female Mulberry silk moth with eggs | Wild Fibres natural fibres

Female silk moth with eggs

Newly laid Mulberry silkworm eggs | Wild Fibres natural fibres

new laid silkworm eggs

Older fertile Mulberry silkworm eggs | Wild Fibres natural fibres

fertile silkworm eggs

3rd instar Mulberry silkworm larva | Wild Fibres natural fibres

3rd instar silkworm larva

4th instar Mulberry silkworm larva | Wild Fibres natural fibres

4th instar silkworm larva

5th instar Mulberry silkworm larva feeding on mulberry | Wild Fibres natural fibres

5th instar feeding on mulberry

Buy silk cocoons & silk fibre here | Wild Fibres natural fibres

silk cocoons
Buy silk cocoons & silk fibre here

Silkworms are special as they are the only truly domesticated insect. Most commercial silk is Mulberry silk that is produced from cocoons of the Mulberry silkmoth, Bombyx mori, and comes mainly from China and India. The rearing of silk worms and reeling of silk is called sericulture.

Silkworm moths go through four stages of development – egg, larva, pupa and adult – as do the majority of insects. Butterflies and moths, two-winged flies, bees and wasps, and beetles all have this 4-stage life cycle. Mulberry Silkworms are the caterpillars or larvae of Mulberry silkworm moths and feed on the leaves of mulberry trees (Morus spp).

The female moths lay 200-500 pale-yellow eggs over a couple of days and usually die within 2 weeks. Fertile eggs then turn to brownish in a week or so.

The eggs hatch in 10-14 days to produce a very small blackish first instar larva, less than 2mm or ⅛ inch in length. At ideal temperatures (25° to 30°C), the larva grows to 3 inches (75mm) in length in 25-30 days and Rennie and Westwood calculate that it increases 9,000 times in weight during that time. To accommodate this enormous increase in size, it sheds its skin four times and therefore goes through 5 larval stages or instars before it is ready to pupate.

When the silkworm larva is fully grown and ready to pupate, it stops feeding, looks for suitable location and starts to spin a hammock of silk in which to form the cocoon.

Read about
1) spinning the Silk Cocoon & changing to the silkmoth Pupa stage

2) and adult Mulberry Silk Moths & silk moth mating.

Mulberry Silkworm lifecycle (click on a photo):-

Silkworm eggs & larvae | Wild Fibres natural fibres

Spinning silk cocoons | Wild Fibres natural fibres

Mulberry silkmoth adults | Wild Fibres natural fibres

Using & spinning with silk | Wild Fibres natural fibres

silkworm eggs & larvae

spinning a silk cocoon

Mulberry silkmoth adults

using silk
coming soon

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Teresinha at Wild Fibres
Studio I-319, Scott House, The Custard Factory
Gibb Street, Birmingham B9 4DT, UK

Contact Teresinha for enquiries on
Tel:  +44 (0)7979 770865
email: info@wildfibres.co.uk

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Last updated on 25 July 2019
Website and photos by Mike Roberts © 2008-19 Wild Fibres