Wild Fibres - Natural fibres for spinning & felting
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Wild Fibres
Educational fibre packs
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Wild Fibres natural fibres > plant fibre > flax > spin flax > cone distaff >
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3.Taping the cone
Taping the cone of the distaff, so that it holds its shape
Spinning flax & flax distaffs a) Types of flax distaff b) Making a cone distaff c) Preparing flax for the distaff d) Dressing a flax distaff
Teresinha at Wild FibresStudio I-319, Scott House, The Custard FactoryGibb Street, Birmingham B9 4DT, UK
Contact Teresinha for enquiries onTel: +44 (0)7979 770865email: info@wildfibres.co.uk
Delivery charges in the UKDelivery in Europe & rest of World here
Last updated on 25 July 2019Website and photos by Mike Roberts © 2008-19 Wild Fibres